Technical details

Batch 1 transaction 1:

Deploy the AdvancedStakeV4ActionMsgTranslator smart contract on the Polygon network by invoking the DeterministicDeploymentProxy on the Polygon Network.

The transaction will initiate a call to FxRoot on the Ethereum mainnet, which will bridge the contract bytecode to the Polygon network through the MaticBridgeModule.

Batch 2 transaction 1:

Deploy the AdvancedStakeV4ActionMsgTranslator smart contract on the Ethereum mainnet using the DeterministicDeploymentProxy.

Batch 2 transaction 2…5:

Configure the Staking and RewardMaster smart contracts on the Ethereum mainnet to work with the newly deployed AdvancedStakeV4ActionMsgTranslator.

Batch 2 transaction 6:

Re-enable Advanced Stakes on the Ethereum mainnet from Friday, November 10, 2023, at 12:00:00 PM UTC until Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 12:00:00 AM UTC, with a lock period of 60 days.

Batch 3 transactions 1…4:

Configure the Staking and RewardMaster contracts on the Polygon network to interact with the newly deployed AdvancedStakeV4ActionMsgTranslator.

Calls to FxRoot on the Ethereum network will trigger the corresponding calls on the Polygon network. This is done through the bridging mechanism provided by the MaticBridgeModule.

Batch 3 transaction 5:

Re-enable advanced stakes on Polygon starting from Friday, November 10, 2023, at 12:00:00 PM UTC until Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 12:00:00 AM UTC, with a lock period of 60 days.

The transaction will call FxRoot on the Ethereum mainnet to bridge the configuration data to the Polygon network through MaticBridgeModule.

Batch 3 transaction 6:

Update the advanced staking reward parameters by changing the end time to Friday, May 09, 2024 12:00:00 AM UTC.

The transaction will invoke the call to FxRoot on the mainnet to facilitate the transfer of the configuration call across the Polygon bridge.

Batch 4 transaction 1:

Mint and release 15685 $ZKPs and transfer them to the community member who deployed and configured Contracts by executing the Pip 18 transactions and deployed Front end codes.

Batch 5 transaction 1…3:

Topping up the advanced stake v4 rewards by withdrawing 2m $ZKP from RewardTreasury on Polygon and transferring them to the AdvanceStakeRewardController.

These 2M tokens are recovered by the Polygon bug fix PIP (

The transaction will call FxRoot on the Ethereum mainnet to bridge the transaction data to the Polygon network through MaticBridgeModule.

Last updated