Stage 1

Status: Completed

For the current dApp, see the entrypoint. Note that, each stage's entrypoint is deprecated in favor of the next stage.

At this stage, users will be testing two features that allow Panther to combine privacy-preserving DeFi access with compliance capabilities:

Third-party compliance integrations

Panther has built a system that retains neutrality by plugging directly into compliance providers and integrating them into the application’s flow. These systems can capture certain types of user data and issue a Zero-Knowledge proof attesting that users have been verified without the Protocol learning any information from them.

The Panther DAO has been commissioned to select a compliance vendor that aligns with its interests, a discussion taking place in Panther’s forum. For the sake of this Testing exercise, an integration has been built that uses PureFi’s system. PureFi is a multi-vendor compliance provider that has demonstrated interest in partnering with Panther through the DAO discussions.

Registering using these integrations is a multi-step process that connects a user’s Panther Account with the verification performed by PureFi.

It consists of: a. Creating a Panther Account by connecting your wallet (e.g. MetaMask).

b. Undergoing a basic verification on PureFi’s site (opened in a pop-up tab).

c. Completing the verification process in the Panther dApp by providing the created proof of verification. This process involves downloading files on your browser (around 30MB), which can sometimes take 2-3 minutes (depending on IPFS’ responsivity at the time. In case of trouble, reloading may help.)

The above activates the user’s Panther account created in step (a) above, and issues account creation rewards to the user.

Panther Accounts

Within Panther, users are identified through their Panther Account (which has a corresponding zAddress), a concept similar to a bank account in that it englobes all of a user’s transactions within a single reference point. Accounts attest to users’ compliance verification while retaining Zero-Knowledge properties. In other words, they prove that a user has passed verification (as well as the type of verification passed), but they do not store any private information about users.

We posted an article further expanding on the rationale behind both of these components, as well as Panther’s compliance focus. Check it out here!

Testing and providing feedback

As we mentioned, Testnet rewards are automated, and as such, the Testnet itself will reward users for going through the Account creation flow. However, the goal for the Testnet is to debug and enhance the Protocol before the mainnet beta launch.

Our expectation is that users submit bugs and share ideas to enhance end-to-end functioning, interaction and usage of wallets, UI/UX flows, and let us know about any component that doesn’t look or feel as expected. We have created the following spreadsheet containing all the details that users can test, which includes functional and visual components. Note that every testing case is numbered to facilitate the process of providing feedback.

Spotting and fixing any possible bugs within the Testnet will make the first version of the protocol more sustainable in the middle term while allowing users to receive their earned rewards.

How to test

Users can visit the Testnet link for Stage 1 to test the onboarding functionality. This involves creating a Panther Account, undergoing a simple verification process (name and email required, ID NOT required) with PureFi, and activating their Account. We recommend that you test along with reviewing the testing spreadsheet so that you can keep track of everything you need to test.

To share feedback, testers will be using a dedicated form as the only accepted procedure. The steps mentioned in the form’s description are needed to make this interaction both efficient and productive.

Last updated