Panther Compliance



  • Zone Managers determine what compliance looks like for their Zone/s

  • The Protocol is agnostic as to which third-party compliance provider/s integrates

  • The Protocol does not process user data; compliance providers do

  • Transactional data can only be accessed by stakeholders with the correct keys


Considering the difficulties in developing a decentralized solution that preserves privacy and enables compliance, Panther designed an approach that utilizes three essential components: third-party compliance provider integrations, Panther zAccounts, and Zones.

By leveraging the Protocol’s Zero-Knowledge characteristics, these elements collectively form a pathway to achieve compliance.

Read about the regulatory rationale for Panther integrating compliance tools.

Panther has built a system that retains neutrality by integrating compliance providers that accept multiple types of verification. These systems are called “multi-compliance vendors,” as they allow users to choose from a variety of compliance providers while retaining a decentralized approach.

For testnet, the Panther DAO was commissioned to select a multi-compliance vendor that aligns with its interests.

Discussed in Panther’s forum.

When integrating these providers, the following requirements are taken into consideration:

  • Ability to blocklist Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) or newly-flagged individuals based on unverified identities

  • Blocklists for Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs), i.e. wallets

  • Ability to create an “allowlist” to control entry to a Zone

  • Preferably, the ability to have an on-chain verification list maintained through oracles/smart contracts

  • Performing validations at deposit and withdrawal

  • Optionally, allowing users to register multiple addresses. This is suggested so that users can break the on-chain link between their transactions by withdrawing and depositing from different addresses.

  • Optionally, using a Zero-Knowledge proof to allow users to create new accounts once they have passed verification.

Panther Protocol allows compliance providers to process user data without the Protocol learning it: by proving a user’s ownership of their wallet and giving them a Zero-Knowledge proof that attests to the validity of their KYC statements. This allows users to access Panther but maintains the Protocol’s neutrality. The diagram below exemplifies this process:

What next?

Not only do the compliance providers enable Zone Managers and users to demonstrate their transactional activity to regulators, but they also give the individual zAccount holder, the user, a high degree of control over what data they reveal to whom. Learn more about user reveals.

Last updated