Advanced Staking

Advanced Staking (previously referred to as Experimental Staking) is an intermediate step towards Panther’s mainnet dApp Staking on Polygon and the Ethereum Mainnet. Through it, users can earn rewards and help Panther test the features that will, in due time, enable privacy through Shielded Pools. Because of its importance for the Protocol’s development, it is considered Panther’s version 0.5.

Advanced Staking will be launched on December 8th by the Panther DAO, according to Panther Improvement Proposal #10. It will debut a Multi-Asset Shielded Pool, or simply a Shielded Pool, where users can shield assets but not conduct transactions at the time of the staking app launch.

Panther’s v0.5 is a progressive step towards developing the core technologies surrounding the Shielded Pool, mainly how UTXOs are created, managed, and tracked. Advanced Staking acts as a step to deploy and test the above capabilities by issuing staking rewards as $zZKP directly within the Shielded Pool.

What kind of rewards are issued in Advanced Staking?

Staking Rewards

The number of tokens to be released as rewards in Advanced Staking is 6,000,000 $ZKP.

The formula for distributing rewards is the following:

Reward = Amount * APR * Period / 365 APR - 15% Period - 60 days


  • Reward: reward for a stake ($zZKP)

  • Amount: amount staked ($ZKP)

  • APR: Annual Percentage Rate (%)

  • Period: rewarded period (days)

PRP Rewards

v0.5 also introduces Panther Reward Points. PRPs are non-transferable points associated with a user's Panther account. The mechanisms for calculating and generating PRPs will also be used on Shielded Pools in the Protocol's mainnet beta. When the Protocol's mainnet beta is live, users that deposit assets (contributing to the privacy set) will receive PRPs to be redeemed for $zZKP through a single-sided Automated Market Maker.

Panther Reward Points

At v0.5, there are two types of PRP rewards:

  1. Expected PRP Rewards: The first 2000 stakers will be rewarded with 2000 PRPs per stake, as decided by the community through PIP-9. These rewards will not continue growing or change (i.e. they are “flat”). Users can see them on the Balance Card on the Staking page. This type of PRPs will be awarded automatically and is not forfeitable.

Users that qualify for this kind of reward will receive a “stake-proof” NFT allowing them to access their Expected PRP Rewards once mainnet beta is launched.

  1. Unrealized Privacy Rewards: These will be calculated and accrued based on the Privacy rewards APR, which the community will decide through a Panther Improvement Proposal. This APR will be set through a PIP before mainnet beta is launched. These PRPs will only be awarded when mainnet beta launches and only if a user has kept their $zZKP rewards in the pool until mainnet beta. If $zZKP rewards are redeemed via early redemption mechanics, the user will lose all of his accrued PRPs of this kind.

All PRPs will be available to exchange for $zZKP via the[ single-sided AMM](../../v0.5 also introduces Panther Reward Points. PRPs are non-transferable points associated with a user's Panther account. The mechanisms for calculating and generating PRPs will also be used on Shielded Pools in the Protocol's mainnet beta. When the Protocol's mainnet beta is live, users that deposit assets (contributing to the privacy set) will receive PRPs to be redeemed for $zZKP through a single-sided Automated Market Maker at the time of the mainnet beta launch.

What next?

Get started with Advanced Staking.

Last updated