Who is Panther for?


Web3 builders, licensed Zone Managers, and developers will be able to take advantage of Panther’s privacy-focused infrastructure and tooling to build DeFi applications that provide greater privacy and confidentiality to users. Since Panther’s infrastructure will be open-source, anyone can adapt and build upon existing tools to create their own infrastructure that benefits from Panther.

Developers will also be able to leverage Panther’s ZK primitives and trust attestations to build privacy-preserving identity management solutions, voting systems, and data verification services. These solutions can be particularly useful in industries such as healthcare, finance, and government, where data privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance.

Overall, Panther aims to provide the Web3 environment with a powerful set of compliance-enabling privacy tools and infrastructure that can be leveraged to build the next generation of privacy-preserving DeFi applications. Builders and developers using Panther’s primitives will be empowered to differentiate their applications from the competition and provide greater user value.

Licensed Zone Managers

Panther Protocol proposes a modular solution to empower VASP-licensed entities to operate regulatory-aligned trading Zones on behalf of their user base. Zone managers may be interested in serving the following potential users:

Financial institutions and enterprises

Panther Protocol is developing a tech stack that institutions can leverage in many ways. Institutions can benefit from:

  • Permissioned environments: VASP-licensed institutions can become Zone Managers and allowlist users (either from the general public or closed groups) for maximum compliance alignment. This allows institutional traders and their clients to trade without interacting with Panther’s larger user set while benefiting from the privacy-enhancing capabilities of the Shielded Pool.

  • OTC Desks: Panther’s proposed zTrade will function as an OTC desk for institutions.

  • On-chain compliance support: Zone Managers set rules for their Zone and integrate third-party compliance tools, such as KYC, KYT, and KYB support, to onboard their user base.

Retail users and Web3 natives

The Protocol will also allow Zone Managers to serve a broad retail userbase:

Web3 natives

Web3 natives are attracted to the principles of self-governance and decentralization. They are often particularly wary of surveillance, corporate data mining, and other forms of digital control.

Web3 natives who are interested in maintaining their privacy and security in the digital age can benefit from Panther Protocol in several ways:

  • On-chain data privacy: Panther enables its users to access DeFi (decentralized finance) privately and securely. Its Zero-Knowledge (ZK) primitives ensure that user transactions remain private and untraceable until they need to selectively disclose their records.

  • Compliance: Panther aims to create a path for users to access DeFi compliantly, meeting the regulatory requirements of their locales.

  • Trust attestations: Panther’s ZK attestations of truth enable users to prove their identity and other attributes without compromising their privacy. This can be useful for users interested in preserving their privacy while verifying other information.

  • Decentralization: Panther is powered by a fully decentralized organization, the Panther DAO, which governs the development of the Protocol. This ensures that users have a say in the direction of the Protocol.

DeFi yield seekers

Zone Managers can support users interested in pursuing yields across the DeFi ecosystem in several ways:

Data protection: Panther will allow users to access DeFi privately and securely — which can be particularly important when pursuing high yields. By maintaining their privacy, users can avoid attracting the attention of bad actors who may try to exploit their positions.

Cross-chain functionalities: Panther is designed as a cross-chain application, meaning users can deploy their assets across DeFi dApps/Protocols on different chains. This enables users to access a broader range of DeFi opportunities, increasing their chances of finding attractive opportunities.

Zero-Knowledge attestations: Panther’s ZK attestations of truth will enable users to prove their identity or other attributes without compromising their privacy. This can be useful when participating in opportunities requiring identity verification or for taxation/declaring purposes.

Overall, Panther’s decentralized principles, on-chain data privacy, cross-chain functionality, and access to ZK attestations, can all benefit users interested in pursuing high yields across the DeFi ecosystem.


With Panther Protocol, Zone Managers are able to support power crypto users: those who manage large sums of assets while preserving their privacy. These users can benefit from secure and shielded transactions, encrypted data storage, and privacy-preserving identity management that Panther’s proposed Protocol can provide:

Zero-knowledge transactions: Users will be able to preserve their confidentiality and prevent others from accessing sensitive information about their dealings or identity.

Secure asset storage: Panther’s Shielded Pools will allow users to deposit and manage their assets securely and privately. This can help protect their assets from theft or unauthorized access and keep them confidential.

Privacy-preserving identity management: Panther Protocol will allow users to create private and secure identities that can be used for different services within the Panther ecosystem. This will help protect the user’s personal information and identity from unauthorized access or misuse.

Trust attestations: Panther Protocol’s ZK- and non-ZK Reveals enable users to access ZK attestations of truth for any statement, such as age, identity, total balance, etc. This can be particularly useful for users who need proof of their assets or identity while maintaining their privacy.

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