Mainnet Beta (Canary)
This is Panther Protocol's Mainnet Beta release ( also called Canary).
Status: Testing in progress
Limited Mainnet Beta launch Canary is a Limited Mainnet Beta release on Polygon Network. Closely resembling Panther’s intended mainnet setup, the beta test will operate as a fully self-contained environment using real assets. The beta will serve as a final phase of testing, ensuring functionality and collecting valuable feedback leading up to Panther’s full mainnet launch.
All features in Panther Protocol that were deployed and tested thus far in multiple test stages are included in this release. This include:
Compliance processes including KYC and KYT checks
Manages users based on their zAccounts
Deposit whitelisted assets and transact privately
zSwap : Swap privately with Uniswap and Quickswap on Polygon
Claim rewards in PRP and convert them to ZKP
Receive Vouchers for different admin function within Panther and claim them.
Pay gas fees in ZKP from your zAccount ZKP balance using the Bundler service. Move ZKP between your zAsset and zAccount balances.
View your transaction history in the History page
Data Escrow ( forensic checks) available for Zone Managers (and other party that might request)
Zone Manager EuroBit is the Zone Manager of this Canary Zone. Since the protocol is tested with only one Zone, there is no interzone feature available in this version. EuroBit has defined the rules of the KYC with PureFi/AML Bot which is the 3rd party Compliance service provider where users enter their credentials to get KYC.
Canary Parameters Network : Polygon Mainnet Maximum allowed Testers : 2000 Zone Manager : EuroBit Compliance Provider : PureFi Total Protocol Rwards : 4M $ZKP Total Subsidy Pool : 1M $ZKP ( This is used to compensate users for their gas costs ) Canary Period : 2 months Whitelisted Tokens : $POL, $ZKP, $LINK, $UNI, $AAVE, $GRT, $QUICK ( on Polygon mainnet) Data Escrow keys : Eurobit + PureFi 24 hr Transaction limit : Deposit - $100, Withdraw - $100 , Internal transaction - $100 Miner : Community run Bundler : Etherspot Protocol Fee : Application on Withdraw, 0.3% of the transacted token. 50% of this goes to EuroBit (via smart contract balance) and the remaining 50% goes back to Protocol Rewards AMM. Compliance Fees : Users will pay for the compliance fees to PureFi within the protocol in ZKP. The application fee is equivalent to 50ZKP for KYC ( one time) and 10ZKP for every KYT. The ZKP equivalent is supposed to be reviewed based on ZKP/USD price and adjusted regularly. Protocol Rewards : This is the number of PRP users either receive ( on performing the transaction) or accrue for assets locked in MASP. The protocol rewards is made of three components - Flat PRP Amount: 10 PRPs , A fixed amount for every MASP transaction. - APY (Annual Percentage Yield): 10% , An interest rate on shielded assets. - Reward for Depositing: 0.01% of the deposited amount , A reward for depositing into MASP. - Other rewards: - Joining Bonus: Voucher worth 5000 PRP - Vouchers for triggering Admin functions (like Recharge AMM) : 50 PRP
Things to consider
- Ensure that you are connected to Polygon Mainnet - When you are directed to PureFi for KYC verification, please make sure you are on Polygon Mainnet network. By default, Purefi nerwork is Ethereum, so make sure you change the nework. - Feedback : You can provide your testing feedback here incase you enounter a bug - You would need some POL (ex matic) in your address to trigger the first zAccount activation transaction.
Last updated