$ZKP is Panther Protocol's Governance Token. Token holders can vote on governance matter on Panther Improvement Proposal ( or DAO proposals) on Snapshot.

$ZKP is also a driving force of Panther Protocol that is used as a rewards token and allows users the ability to pay for third party services that support the Panther ecosystem.

In our efforts to infuse DeFi with default privacy, we attempt for Panther to be used as the de-facto solution for private DeFi access. To keep this network functioning as intended, Panther requires architecture and design that incentivizes the right actions.

Creating enticing incentives means aligning the interests and behaviors of all network participants while minimizing destabilizing conduct to the greatest extent possible. Game theory offers a framework to model these intentions and understand how they work within complex real-life settings. Thanks to this, we can create optimal cost structures for using and contributing to Panther’s Shielded Pools, helping inform governance decisions.

$ZKP, therefore, serves to incentivize:

  • Privately staking $ZKP to earn rewards for adding tokens to Pools and increasing the anonymity set. Panther can act as a price discovery mechanism for privacy, bringing in new users for a positive feedback loop, eventually lowering the cost of privacy.

  • Relayers paying fees privately on behalf of users, furthering anonymity, to earn $ZKP.

  • Governance-focused staking to encourage long-term governance participation.

$ZKP can also:

  • Be staked to secure the interchain bridges in an AMM model.

  • Be used by users to pay for services on the platform at a discounted rate, such as:

(i) to pay fees associated with zAssets;

(ii) to pay transaction fees for sending zAssets;

(iii) to pay Reveal fees;

(iv) to pay for interaction with external DeFi protocols.

  • Be used by the DAO to pay for services provided to the Protocol, such as:

(i) to pay incentive fees to privacy stakers and transactors.

(ii) to pay relayer service fees.

(iv) to pay voting stakers.

(v) to pay for community-driven deployments.

$ZKP's ERC-20 address on Ethereum is 0x909E34d3f6124C324ac83DccA84b74398a6fa173

$ZKP's ERC-20 address on Polygon is 0x9A06Db14D639796B25A6ceC6A1bf614fd98815EC

Last updated